Saturday, March 29, 2008

What A Relaxing Hour Of Showtime...And Then Sheila Came On

While not very exciting, it was nice to see everybody just hanging out having a good time. That's really what they should be doing during non-event days.

After a full hour of this, though, it was time for Sheila to ruin the mood. Natalie and Sharon hauled some boiling water up to Natalie's bathtub, and the first words out of Sheila's mouth was a complaint. "What's the Messaiah up to?" Ugh. Maybe you should try to sit back and enjoy yourself for a change.


Anonymous said...

Sharon is a turn coat!!

JayJ79 said...

turn coat?

nah, she finally just realized how Josh kept throwing her under the bus.

Anonymous said...

Its about time sharon quite being a doormat and woke up. She needs to turn on Josh he has turned on hjer enough times. She is the brains in the twosome.