Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why Did Nat Pick James?

Unlike a lot of people, I sort of understand why people voted the way they did.

Ryan went for the returning contestant in hopes that it was his girlfriend Jen.

Matt voted the same way hoping for Alex, but not having any problems with Amanda's return.

Sheila wisely chose to not bring back the person she just evicted.

It's pretty obvious why Chelsia voted the way she did.

Sharon was scared her ex-boyfriend may return; Joshuah had the same fear about Allison (and he was working with James).

Adam's vote for James is a bit of a surprise, but there are reports that he had some sort of beef with Parker. Can anybody verify that?

But the dumbest vote was Natalie's. She had no reason to vote for James. She was on good terms with almost all of the evictees. Alex, Amanda, Parker, and Jen would have all helped tip the balance against the side of house she hates. Even Allison could have been good for her, as she would have clearly gone after Joshuah.

Even if he had not won HOH, bringing James back is a disaster for Nat. It brings balance back to the house, and puts everybody in her group in danger. Plus, bragging about being the "deciding vote" sets her up to the be among the first of her group to go once they have to start putting each other up.

It's a dumb, dumb move for her...but should we be surprised?


Rich said...

There was no reason whatsoever for Nat to vote for James, which is why I feel like the votes were swayed by the producers. They wanted James back into the house because he would cause more drama than Alex, and they also did not want a 4-4 tie, which would have happened if Nat voted against James.

Tis is why I propose that we show our discontent by not watching Sundays show live. I think that if they see a dramatic enough drop in the ratings, they will know that they really screwed up, and maybe they will find a way to remedy the situation. And its not like we dont know what is going to happen and we can always just watch it online the next day.

Anonymous said...

She is emotional, and not to far seeing or thinking. All she had at that moment was the pain that James leaving brought to Chelsea, and all of the comments of how it was a bad thing right after the eviciton, even Sheila was feeling the sadness being projected by Chelseia, it was the energy in the room, and that is why she voted for James.

Anonymous said...

maybe she thought, what if alex comes back, will matt still have my back or will him and alex just leave me on my own? Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

she felt like she screwed james over and felt obligated to bring him back cuz he didnt deserve to go out like that. she has some morals i guess

Anonymous said...

Nat is clueless..knowing what they did to get James out of there,,,and who was on who's side..she should have never voted him someone else said..she had no worries as to who came back to the house, no enemies.
Nat also put her boy Matt in danger with James' return...and James will be so hard to get out..for several reasons:
1. Look how hard he campaigned and flipped the house again in his favor in 1 day..??? He had all of them second guessing themselves.
2. Look how hard James fought at HOH comp?????He WON! Matt and Adam were out very early...foolish move on Nat's part, unless she teams up with James..

WHy did Adam vote for him...?? did anyone seee how excited was when Adam voted to have James return??? "Bring Back James!" like a excited school girl....what is going on inside Adam boogey eye head?? I now think he is slight retarded..he must be....
and I alos hope Adam gets evicted before Nat..Nat doesn't know better, but Adam..was excited to bring back James..Adam will never evict James on his own..or even put him on the block..I almost hope Adam wins HOH..cos I guarentee he goes with 'safe' choices..(aka,,not james' side)
Adam is spineless..

Anonymous said...

I don't know about all that. Adam may act and be clueless, but he had absolutely no relationship what so ever with anybody that was previously evicted. With James back, he can flip sides, with somebody from outside, he just would have moved down a place in whatever group he found himself with. It was his best move IMHO, he at least has friendly conversations with James.