Sunday, April 20, 2008

Correct Me If I Am Wrong - Does Ryan Have A Deal With Sharon?

Ryan is adamant with Adam that he doesn't have a deal with Sharon.

Am I mistaken? Didn't Ryan and Sharon cut a deal a while ago to take each other to the final two?

I think that Ryan will break that agreement and bring Adam to the final two if he wins HoH - but I think Sharon will take Ryan if she wins the final HoH.


Mara said...

Does Ryan think he can win over Sharon. I think not. I don't think he thinks he can win over Adam. He and Adam were discussing that he makes $70,000 and he's happy with that (the $50,000 plus the $10,000 bike and the $5000 Beverly Hills shopping spree and assorted extra goodies -- hotel, limo, spa, Ashton Kutcher premiere and party). When he's with Adam, he seems swept up in bro' elation, yet when he's talking to the camera, he's not sure if he can trust him. Yet, I think his heart is with Adam to the F2. (Thanks for having this blog ; )

sunshine said...

Ryan does have an alliance with Sharon,and Adam.It all depends on the next HOH. I believe if Adam wins he will keep Ry, if Sharon wins she will keep Ry, so in my opinion if Ryan is going to be faithful to Adam then Sharon needs to go over Sheila.

Mara said...

Also, he mentioned to Adam last night that strategically, he feels that Sharon does not have endurance, as demonstrated during the glass house comp, that Sheila would be harder to beat, making her more of a threat. Sharon will be crowned the Ultimate Pawn in the Annals of BB History, whether she wins or not... and I don't think she will... but what an upset if she does. It all comes down to the HOH comp on Wednesday night. Can't wait... ; )

Anonymous said...

Sharon does have endurance - she just fell out of the glass box because of an injury she had the day before.
I don't think Ryan and Adam realises what a big threat Sharon could be in the endurance/physical comp. Works for me though, I've wanted her to win since she was put back in this house!