Wednesday, April 9, 2008


My guess is Ryan will be out 1st.

Feeds not back yet.

Sharon says she urt her back yesterday - doesn't think she will make it.


IndyMike said...

Still no feeds.

IndyMike said...


ale said...

Ryan will be next, sweating buckets.

ale said...

Sheila needs to play the kid card hard. Once Ryan drops, she can talk Natalie into letting her win it, since Sharon is out.

Raven said...


Anonymous said...

lol watch Sharon and Sheila be Nats best friends if she wins.Hell Adam/Ryan too.If only so they will all have to be nice to her I hope Nat wins.

Anonymous said...

GO Sheila, wow I thought I would never say that but I did. Natalie is such a freakin hypocrite she needs to be d-u-triple N , lol

Anonymous said...

I've come to the conclusion that most die hard Natalie fans watch only the CBS edits and not After Dark or the live feeds.

That girl quotes the Bible in every situation (even though she doesn't know what any of it means), yet she is a living example of almost every broken "sin". She is the Ultimate Hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing would be if Ryan dropped,and Nat makes Sheila promise not to put her up and drops so she can have it and see the fam and get the letter.I would just love to see Sheila sitting there tryna figure out if she should back stab Nat and go with the house or keep her word.

ale said...

That is exactly what I want to see happen. Except, add the backstabbing!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Natalie fan and I watch the feeds and After Dark