Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Joshuah Out! Adam is New HOH

Joshuah was evicted 3-1, James being the only vote to evict Sharon.

Adam won HOH on the last question in a competition Natalie would have been very good at. I say this now because it is a warning that you will hear about it all night long.

This also means Sheila is safe for another week. DAMMIT.


Anonymous said...

sharon totally threw the hoh comp, lol. bye bye jimmy. they can't save you again.

Anonymous said...

Now that Josh is out, I am rooting for James and Sharon!

Anonymous said...

but if James works it right, he will stay and hopefully, Adam will see that they women have chosen to make it a battle of the sexes! Geeeeeeez those boys need to wake the hell up!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really am glad that Josh The CryBaby Shit-stirrer is gone. Now if they can get rid of Sheila, it will be good. will be GREAT.

ale said...

Yay Ballerrrrrrrrrrrrr! I'm so glad he won, but it puts him in a tough position. This was supposedly Nat's comp, but she couldn't play in it. BAHAA!

Anonymous said...

Sharon threw that big time on teh last two questions! She is way smarter than that. Who does Adam nominate, James and who?

Ashley said...

I want it to be Sheila, but he will probably put up James and Sharon. There's no one else.

Christine Radice said...

darn it.. I missed this episode.. watched moment of truth thinking BB was on at 9/8c.

Well, with Adam HOH I presume Sharon and James go up. The question becomes who goes up if POV is won.

I say Adam is most loyal to Ryan, then 2nd is Sheila (IMHO), then Natalie, then Sharon, then James.

So what I'm saying is that I think if POV is won Natalie will be nominated. If James doesn't win POV then I guess it doesn't matter who goes up in Sharon's place if she won.

ale said...

I really don't think James should be nominated. Give him a false sense of security, nominate two other people, and if the Veto is won by anyone other than James, put him up as the renom. If he does win it, Sheila goes home as the weakest link. The woman can't even play solitaire, how the hell did she make it on this show?!

IndyMike said...

So who is going up?

You can watch the episode online late tonight or tomorrow if you missed it @

Anonymous said...

how funny is it when sheila and adam go into the dR they talk like completley different people... especially funny when adam casted his vote to evict josh....

alsoo.. how haggard did james look in his dR speeches... when bb woke him up to do them. too funny he was 1/2 asleep

Anonymous said...

ale, I like your idea of not nominating James, letting POV play out and then put him up on the renom. I think Indymike mentioned this week that Nat should have done that this past week. Makes sense to me, can Baller figure it out though?

Ashley said...

baller can't figure it out. it was HIS idea to put up james and joshuah. it was natalie and ryan's idea to put up sharon and joshuah, with james going up after the veto was won by someone else hopefully.

ale said...

I was hoping they'd all figure the James thing out after he won the FIRST PoV...dang! He's in a tough position, because the majority in the house are on his side and he probably doesn't want to step on toes.

Btw, what is up with Natalie looking even more like a cheap hooker tonight, on national TV? Blew my mind.

Anonymous said...

I thought Sharon looked terrible, way too much sun on her face. Shelia needs to even out those tan lines on her neck too, starting to look like a zebra. When are they going to oil that squeaky HOH door too?

Scott said...

I love Ale's comments.

I think James is toast this week, probably in a backdoor move.

ale said...

Aw, shucks Scott.

But, they're all playing this week for the Veto, so if he does lose it, he's fair game.

Now to go comment on the show recap, ie: more Natalie bashing

Scott said...

Actually, outside of the HOH room interview with Julie, and the fact she couldn't play the numbers game, I was pretty nice to the twit.

Anonymous said...

Eventually this group has to split again - likely into the Sheila/Natalie vs. Ryan/Adam and Natalie becomes the weak link in that group because Adam and Sheila may be loyal to each other and Natalie is a far bigger threat than Ryan (I never ever thought I'd say that).

If Adam is smart (and he seems to be) then he'll make an alliance with James and not nominate him (like most of you said) and then if POV is won it's 100 percent that James would be nominated and evicted and because he is all alone in the house there is no one left to avenge his ouster.

This way though, if he wins POV again Adam can save face saying he was never the target and gain his trust so that if James then wins HOH Adam could hopefully rest easy knowing that James would nominate Ryan and Sheila or Sheila and Natalie or Natalie and Ryan.