Sunday, April 27, 2008

Just a Few Hours Left - Who Is Going to Win?

So who is going to win? I know we've already had a thread asking this question, but after the stories surrounding the jury questions, I think it may be closer than we initially expected.

Here's how I think the votes will go:

Matt: He apparently asked the dreaded question about how the money will be spent, but I still think he'll vote for Ryan. I know some may think he'll hold a grudge because of the deal that sent Natalie packing, but he may look at that as great game play.

Chelsia: No question in my mind that my girl will vote for Adam.

Joshuah: There's no question that he hates both Ryan and Adam, but it seems that he spent most of the jury time berating Adam. So I think he's a vote for Ryan.

James: Both Ryan and Adam have praised the way James behaved in the jury meeting, but it should be obvious that the fact Adam gave James a chance to save himself will earn his vote.

Natalie: This is a tough call. She was obviously more hooked up with Ryan, but he was also responsible for her departure. Will Adam's whisper at her eviction gain her vote? I think so, but she could easily do the "Christian" thing and forgive Ryan.

Sharon: Another tough call. She's obviously pissed at Ryan, but is it enough to give her vote to Adam? I think so.

Sheila: Who can predict what this psycho will do? She carried everybody, you know, and in her mind it's a crime that she's not in the final. She's mad that Ryan didn't choose her over Adam, even though Ryan told her the night before it wasn't going to happen. But she's also pissed that Adam didn't win that final HOH so he could carry her. How is she going to survive as a 46 year-old single mom? I predict she goes with Adam, but I'd hate to have to rely on her as the deciding vote.

So I hate it at 5 - 2 in favor of Adam, but it could just as easily a 4 -3 win for Ryan. What do you think?


ale said...

You sum up my thoughts to the tee, Scott. Due to two finals tomorrow and wasting my time watching the Pens playoff game right now, I'm probably going to miss watching it live, but I'll check it out later on. If Adam isn't the winner, I'll be peeved. Not "done with BB for good and never watching another CBS show again" peeved, but...ya know.

Anonymous said...

I don't see Joshua voting for Ryan a/k/a Mr. Promise Everyone Final 2

But anything is possible.

I too will be peeved if Adam doesn't win. He deserves it.

Anonymous said...

i want Ryan to win

Anonymous said...

I see Chelsia being the deciding vote, she was mad at Ryan for putting James on the block in her place, but she berated Adam on the way out the door. Here's how I think everyone else is going to vote.

James - Adam
Sheila - Adam
Natalie - Adam
Matt - Ryan
Josh - Ryan
Sharon - Ryan

Anonymous said...

ugh neither of them deserves it.

Anonymous said...

I agree - neither of them deserves it - the entire jury should band together and refuse to vote "LIVE" and blow BB9 right out the door - give the money to charity - because anything less is a sin! These morons are just not worthy of another minute of our time. Wonder what the BB rule books says about REFUSING TO VOTE?!

Scott said...

Anonymous, so who does deserve to win? Please don't see Sheila or Natalie.

Anonymous said...

I think they should give it to the firt person who left - wasn't that... Oh, darn. What was his name again. Sharon's ex-boyfriend. Anyway, he's the real winner. After all, he didn't have to endure a whole summer of being eaten alive by us, the viewers.

Or... maybe the real winner is Neil. He got out before we could start hating him. And he didn't have someone in the house constantly reminding us of his faults.

Yep. Neil's the real winner. I say give him the money ;)

Scott said...

BTW, good luck on your finals, Ale.

Anonymous said...

Sheila's totally voting for Adam to win. He gave her the $10,000 (which Ryan "stole" from her later).

Scott said...

Sheila is so self-absorbed, though, that she only remembers that Ryan "took" it, and nothing about how she got it.

Unknown said...

uggghhh im going to be at my sons baseball game tonite so i will miss it. at least i can count on you all to catch me up. thanks a bunch =)

JayJ79 said...

woohoo! Go Penguins!

As far as BB9 goes, I really don't care who will win. though I will most likely tune in just to see how the show wraps up (this is my first season), and hopefully see the lovely Chelsia some more. hehe

Reefer Jello said...

My wife has started calling our cats Beeebeees! I am close to committing wife-icied!

Reefer Jello said...

Oh, one more thing now that this is all coming to an end. Could these people possibly have made these word verification letters any harder to read? I just had to enter about 20 different combos to make my last post.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stand that ass scratching, playing with his balls, picking his nose Adam, so I will have to say I want Ryan to win. But then again, if Adam wins maybe he can take lessons on hygene, manners and speech.
I am happy that Sheila walked out with nada.... she pushed her whine too far and it blew up in her face.
Everytime she would say SHE deserved the money, I would yell YEAH RIGHT so loud I even made my half deaf dog jump up to see what the clatter was. And Reefer Jello is right. The word verifications are horrid to read. One last kuddo: Scott, thank you so much for the blog. It was first class....

Anonymous said...

matt - ryan
nat - ryan
james - adam
chelsia - adam
josh -adam
sharon - adam
sheila - adam

yes, i want ryan to win but adam played nice to most of the evicted house guest before leaving the house. i trully hope im wrong!!

kika said...

I love your new hair-do! I wish I could be more brave and try something like that! Your hair looks so shiny and healthy! Your dinner looks so good! I printed off the recipe for the raw pesto sauce also!