Friday, April 11, 2008

Long Power of Veto

The POV competition began around midnight and it is still going on as of 4:20am.


Unknown said...

No kidding. 4.5 hours is huge for a PoV.

What if BB is up to something else? Like they're doing the ceremony as well and hiding it all from us?

With the show wrapping up in less than 2 weeks (which sucks) they may do some strange things.

Anonymous said...

Hello! It's about 8 am in Philly and I'm getting ready for school. Turned on the feeds and Veto Comp is over. I can't tell who won exactly, but it seems to have been either Ryan or Adam. Sheila, Sharon, and Ryan are in the HoH room talking about how Adam is definitely coming off the block and Natalie is definitely going up. According to them, it's "the best case scenario of what could have happen." And it also seems like they're saying Ryan and Adam will be voting Natalie out for sure. The more they talk, the more I think that Ryan was the one who won. (but everytime they're coming right out to say it, the sound goes out.) Also - it sounds like there may have been a special guest who ran the Veto Comp.


IndyMike said...


Anonymous said...