Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday - Odds of excitement? Low.

Mondays suck in the Big Brother House.

Sheila ratted James out to Sharon shortly after he made his proposal - I really don't see his plan to get Sheila and Ryan to vote out Sharon working.

The picture pretty much says what I expect to happen today. HGs slept in until 10:30am.

By they way - how did Ryan hurt his neck? He's on pain meds and wasn't even allowed to drink beer last night. The others think it may hurt him in competitions down the road.


Ashley said...

he probably just pulled a muscle. if he's on meds and takes it easy for the next few days he should be ok. i did see him playing with one of the outdoor toys last night though, and it seemed like nothing was wrong then. i ended up falling asleep though.

Anonymous said...

I read on another blog that he pulled a muscle lifting weights.

Anonymous said...

Yep, according to another blog, he hurt it while he was lifting. He's on muscle relaxers. He was called to the DR immediately last night when he realized there was beer in the house. I assume to tell him that beer and muscle relaxers are a big no-no.

Scott said...

That's also why the house only had 5 beers total last night. That's just ridiculous.

lmb02 said...

Well, if James wants to try to get anywhere with the boys, he may want to point out to them how quickly Sheila ratted him, so they can maybe, just maybe, start to wake up to the fact the ladies are going to outfox them and send them both home NEXT. If these clowns had ANY brains, they'd listen to James, who seems to be the only guy who knows how to play this game intelligently (although so far Nutty Natty has managed to keep the boys in line and unthinking).

But Adam and Ryan figuring out they won't be in the final two... not until they've been voted out.

Anonymous said...

Adam's chance to do something about the girls' alliance is over. The votes just aren't there. Even if he sways Ryan, Natalie and Sheila will still vote to evict James--and all it takes it two votes. I've been saying all week that Adam was making a mistake by getting rid of James. They have been talking about a girls' alliance for weeks now....
and if it's a double eviction, what are the chances of Ryan beating out all three girls for HOH? Then Ryan or Adam will leave immediately after James.

Anonymous said...

I still think Natalie is totally aligned with Ryan and Adam, although you could never tell by the way she lets everyone think that she is only with them. Would love to see the three of them be the fianl three, as I think they have played the best game. Ryan did hurt his neck exercising, but he had a welt on the back of it that looked more like an insect I really don't know!

Anonymous said...

I agree about Natalie, I truly believe that she's with the boys, but is playing both sides to ensure her position. I also think that Sheila is completely with Adam, especially after the conversation they had in HoH a few nights ago. I think the person being played here is Sharon.

Anonymous said...

Ryan hurt his neck bending over to kiss Natalies @ss...