Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ryan's Out!


Anonymous said...

As much as I don't like Sheila, I don't like Natalie even more. I'm actually rooting for Sheila and hoping she pulls a James and nominates Natalie anyway!!!


ale said...

Ugh. Natalie's doing that stupid "what do I do?!" thing. Just shut up and drop, bitch! Geez

Anonymous said...

I miss Joshuah. He would have a good, likely hilarious, answer to the 'what do i do?' question!!!


Ashley said...

I can't believe all of you turncoats!

ale said...

Like I said before, we just hate NataLIE more.

Anonymous said...

Natalie makes me sick, she literally inspires nausea. I pray to her God that she's not that way in "real life".