Thursday, April 17, 2008

Was HOH Rigged? Judge For Yourself


Anonymous said...

I think there was a bit too long of a pause there and that makes it questionable. And the guinea pigs have a relationship??? Please!!! So stupid...

ale said...

I'm stuck in the middle. On the hand, the question was vague...but the guinea pigs are considered a pre-existing relationship because this is a couples edition, everything in the house is in pairs. It's not something you consider in the moment, but thinking about it now, it is a correct answer. On the other hand, the massive fumble at the end was suspicious, and if it weren't for that, no one would be crying foul as hard as they are now.

At this point, it doesn't matter. The Veto winner holds all the power in the house this week, all Ryan won was immunity- that's it.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you think about it carefully enough, the kitchen chairs also had a pre-existing relationship. I mean, they were probably all made by the same company and they were shipped to the house together.

Oh, and didn't they find a slug last night? In my experience, where there is one slug there are two. So I guess they had a pre-existing relationship.

Hey, the answer was wrong. After all, it said there were only three pre-existing relationships and there are undoubtedly a large number of pre-existing relationships. Someone should complain :)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think it very odd that Ryan's name is always listed on the TV Guide? Also, that he seems to win all the important prizes (the other movie preview he won but lost it because of stupidity). IS HE RELATED TO SOMEONE AT BB OR CBS? I mean from the time this guy walked in it was as if he was targeted as the winner. Too many convenient breaks for him. Now this shopping spree outing...AND NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT LAST NIGHT'S HOH CONTEST, that whole thing REEKS of interference by BB or CBS!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the question was stupid, so stupid it makes you think something was up. The response and pause from Julie was too odd. All of this would have me really mad in other seasons but in this season I just don't care right now who wins, I don't like this group. Even with the screwy question Sharon still had a shot to win with the number question given that Ryan was way off on his answer. You had to know the answer was closer to 500+. Did Sharon throw this to Ryan, because she thinks she has an alliance with him and would be safe for the final 3?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the first anonymous It was a long pause and definately rigged

Anonymous said...

I think Big Brother has cheated in this season many times now. It makes me not want to watch it anymore. If it's going to be a reality show, then let it be played out by the players. Not the producers. That is totally not being fair. Get it together cbs

Anonymous said...

I thought the pause was just to shock all of us viewers. We all thought Fiction was coming, and they surprised us. I thought it was CORNY though!! The Guinea Pigs? Give me a break - for all we know they met when they were first forced into the crazy BB house.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes it was!! the question about the ginie-pigs was a back up... you saw the delay in the response from Julie.. If this was so.. who was is BB9 targeting?? to help the raiting?

Anonymous said...

Yes definately rigged.