Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What I know about Big Brother 9 so far.

Here are the details I have been able to get so far, I am pretty sure it is all accurate.

  • The show participants will not know each other ahead of time this year, they may all have 'dirty little secrets' but there won't be any secret couples, or relatives, or ex's. I really hope I am not mis-informed on that. The last time we saw this was Big Brother Three, which I personally enjoyed (Daniele, Lisa, Jason, etc etc).
  • The show will run the normal time frame - sometime between 70 and 80 days.
  • It will be back on Sho2 (a Showtime channel) - overnight from 12am-3am Eastern.
  • There WILL NOT be an "America's Player" which is fine by me. I found that concept a joke, no offense to Eric.
  • I am guessing that the HGs will move into the house some time next week so they can get a few days of tape 'in the can' before the first episode on Tuesday, February 12th.
  • Lastly, there are still plans to have the regular summer version of Big Brother as well come July.

Now on to more random Big Brother things.

I'll be doing my usual recaps over on my main Big Brother site which is I Love Reality - Big Brother 9 - I have started this site as a way for a few friends to post and others to be able to comment, something I don't allow on my other site.

The feeds will be up 24x7 again and I have yet to hear about a 'season package' but you can sign up for the two week trial via links on this site (which I will be greatful for!).

I'm hoping that this season is not a flop, having the show at this time of year is going to bring in a different group of viewers, not everyone can devote the same amount of time in February that they can in July, it will be interesting to see if the ratings, which ALWAYS start out slow, pick up at the end as they have every season during the summer.

Are you excited? Ready for this? Do you think a 'winter/spring' version will be a flop? Are you burned out on Big Brother?