Sunday, February 17, 2008

Fight! Fight!

People are starting to figure out that any drama in the house somehow includes Amanda.

Oooooh, my girl Chelsia (along with Joshuah) are now calling her out. Josh threw out a few c-words, and Chelsia did a great imitation of Amanda parading around showing her ass.


IndyMike said...

Last week Allison laughed as Joshua imitated Amanda's dad hanging herself - she laughed so hard - now she is telling Amanda that a noose comment was uncalled for. I love how people become so two faced in the house every year.

Scott said...

Exactly. Chelsia did go too far with it, but she does realize her mistake. But this stuff has been building up all week.

My favorite is Amanda's defense of her booty shorts. "I didn't wear any today."

Anonymous said...

" My favorite is Amanda's defense of her booty shorts. "I didn't wear any today." "

LOL, that says it all doesn't it.

Anonymous said...

It's fine to call her out but they should not have all attacked her at once and Joshua was way out of line. Now we have Natalie the stripper and Sheila the old Penthouse whore talking about morality. Allison who finally developed a conscience and is still talking shit along with Chelsia. Sad very sad.

Scott said...

Mike, where's the shot of Chelsia imitating Amanda with her ass hanging out? That's the pic we need here!