Sunday, February 17, 2008

I see your true [rainbow] colors shining...

So Amanda is the new target. During the battle, Joshuah made a rude-ass comment about her father committing suicide:

Chelsia: ..or [give Amanda] a noose
Joshuah: her dad

Chelsia surprised me in her blowout against Amanda. The isolation is getting to everyone. Joshuah's rape accusation is pretty serious, he should probably watch what he says. Alex's face turned white when that word was thrown out there. I usually am into the gay man persona, but because I disagree with most of what he screamed at her in front of the entire house [cunt, horse-face, whore] I think he's just a total dickhead who's out of line. Yes, even I think there's a line. I like Amanda..and I dig her genuine demeanor. I don't think she's done anything that gives someone permission to degrade her the way she has been. She's been in the DR for a while now, probably looking adorable while crying. Hopefully Amanda will come out stronger, and lay down the law to her poor-man's, Ryan Phillipe partner. I love that cunt.

It seems like the couples keep forgetting they're playing together. The inconsistency between the couples is making me feel like this season isn't what it can be. I also cannot stand the pack mentality among these people. High school never ends.

Allison's jealousy about Ryan not being able to fuck her gambling gash is so annoying. Why isn't anyone calling her out on this shit? Big Brother isn't a personal dating service, they had no clue there were couples until they got to the house. Sheila and Allison need to get their old asses in check. They're, as Matt would say, gaaaahhhbage.


Edit: The producers gave Amanda a picture of her father, and she's been crying since she's walked up into her room. Only Jen and Sharon have come up to see it. Also, Amanda is in fact adorable when she cries.


christianfaith said...

I agree that Joshua and Chelsia's true colors came out. They proved to be heartless losers that deserve to win the least. What they did was far worse than what they themselves were saying Amanda did, so they have no place saying anything. I got emotional for Amanda and the whole scene made me want to pull for her to win now. I was waiting for someone to say "Enough, I am going to stick up for Amanda right now and I don't care how it affects my game." That would have been the descent thing to do. Even the attempts at half way sticking up for her were weak. I just wish someone would have had some heart and some boldness. If Joshua or Chelsia thought they were being bold, guess again. That showed sure weakness and some of them were saying and acting like Amanda is messed up. She sure looks a lot stronger than most, if not all of them and it seems as if she has been through more. I prefer the ones that stayed silent through the situation, but like I said I wish someone would have been much more bold. I would also like to add that I am unbiased in the way that I am female. I just want to clear up the fact that my motive can not be due to Amanda's physical appearance. If Chelsia or Joshua try to apologize I do not think Amanda should accept it if they say they were saying it due to what Amanda said and they can change if she can. Their apology should have no conditions and no buts to it (I am sorry, but...). They need to get their buts out of the way, because after that Amanda deserves a true and strong apology from them.

Anonymous said...

Did Chelsia say "noose" or was it someone else in hte peanut gallery watching this go down?

Josh lost it, does he have issues with women because he seemed very angry. I am not surprised by this because in one of his pre interviews he siad he can really turn on someone and knock them down, which is exactly what he has done to Amanda last night. I thought I would really like Josh but he does have a mean side.

Amanada did deserve to brought out and knocked off her high horse. She was acting like queen of the house when infact that reign ends at the next HOH and she will not have the power for the next week, she better realize that quick or her and Alex will be gone.

Can anyone confirm Alex's touching? If he did do it shame on him that is way past any game play and gets into real world penalties. If he didn't do it shame on Amanda for accusing someone of a terrible offense that will stick with him outside the game.

James & Chelsia are the only pair that are working as partners int his game, I hope they win.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Barb? You're nuts.

I've known lots of girls like Amanda. She craves attention, and that's why she behaves the way she did. Josh, clearly, doesn't like arrogant, attention whores, for whatever reason, and so, got over the top upset, but don't act like she didn't have it coming.

Moreover, Amanda, despite crying and going to the Diary Room, WANTED that to happen! That's WHY she does that! She was the center of enables her to go and cry and play the "oh poor me, everyone loves me now that I'm a victim" card. I've seen it thousands of times. She won't stop acting like an idiot, spreading rumors, and making things up about people, because she has to put everyone else down so she can feel better about herself.

For proof of that, even after all these goings on, Alex, a true voice of reason, is trying to explain to her that she's in the wrong and here's how, and all she can do is criticize Josh, Natalie, lie about Chelsia saying "I'm sorry about everything" when that's not what Chelsia said, and validate herself by saying that people liked her, when it should have been obvious to everyone BUT Amanda that not many people did.

Were Josh and Chelsia harsh? Yes. Did Amanda need it to be harsh for anything to even come close to breaking through her facade, and wake her up to her own ineptitude? I think yes.

That's just my 2 cents.

Scott said...

bbfanto, I think Josh's outburst came about because he had been sitting there in the hot tub for over an hour listening to her idiotic ramblings. I think he had just had enough by the time Chelsia called her out

Scott said...

BTW, there is now video confirming that Amanda did indeed lie. What she was told and what she repeated in the hot tub was completely different.

Anonymous said...

In regards to Alex and Amanda, on big brother afterdark on showtime they showed them in bed kissing and cuddling. Amanda was laughing and certainly not rejecting Alex. I think she definitely enjoys the attention and likes Alex and Parker. Alex's ego was bruised after she started flirting with Parker.

Anonymous said...

I can see why your [shitty] FREE blog is so empty of comments and visitors. You have a really disgusting mouth. You are robably some teen-aged loser watching BB live feeds 24-7 with his hand on his peen drooling over Josh- the gaylord.

Grow up and stop trying to hard. Your prepubescent ways are showing, dick face.