Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Live feeds - my views so far

My main observation from last night is the women cannot hold their liquor. Amanda thought she could fix the world (kind of reminded me of a drunk me haha). She also would not stop fidgeting and picking at her sweater and hair to the point of distraction. Was it Natalie who had those awful pink socks? She was a loud, obnoxious instigator. Ma wasn’t seen much until later in the kitchen.

The energy was there last night. Couldn’t turn off the feeds and go to bed. The level of drama would give a paltalk room a run for it’s money.

One thing I did notice as we were going to bed, the feeds were showing Amanda and Parker on the ottoman talking to Ryan and Jen. The feeds cut off and when they came back, all 4 feeds were them, but conspicuously missing from the ottoman was Parker. Also could no longer hear the other loud drunken houseguests in the background. I then shut down and went to bed.

Why did they cut the feeds and where did Parker go?