Monday, February 18, 2008

Mending Fences the Amanda Way

Everybody can learn a lot from our bootylicious friend. Here's a step-by-step guide to saving face:

1. Change your clothing style...for today, at least. Make your rounds wearing the most conservative jeans you own. Everybody will immediately forget about your ass cheeks hanging out of every item of clothing you've worn since you entered the house.

2. Conspire with Alex and Parker, and laugh at Joshuah when he flips off your picture on the wall. To be fair, he may actually be agreeing with you that it's the "worst picture ever", and it should be replaced by a pic of your ass.

3. Apologize to Allison for every bad thing you've said about her all week, but make sure you revel in your self-pity. "Why me?" Yeah, why would anybody be mad at somebody who spent three hours spreading rumors about almsot eveybody in the house? It's not fair!


IndyMike said...

WAIT WHAT? Amanda and Alex? A Handy? I know Jen and Ryan were up to something but you are saying Amanda and Alex did something?

Scott said...

Oops! I have some editing to do.

Anonymous said...

zszyjgLOL. I first read the post and had to re-read it a few times because I thought it had to be a mistake.