Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oh Matty!

I swear Matt was one sentence away from kicking himself out of the house. The guy just cannot shut up. It's now clear why he was paired up with that skank Natalie.

He saved himself by revealing his insipid America's Pimp plan, which also explains his constant mugging for the cameras. He keeps saying he can't wait for everybody to see his diary room tapes. I don't think he'll have that same opinion when he hears what people think of his "character", and I doubt if the Young and Restless will be calling him for that "easy" gig.


Daymonster said...

It bothers me that Alex is blaming him leaving completely on Amanda. Granted Amanda is dumb and ruined it but at the same time Alex needs to step in a play the game.

Anonymous said...

Matty may be a jerk who also thinks he is GOD'S gift to women which is pretty obnoxious....but I can't help but look at him...he's sooo hot!