Friday, February 15, 2008

Power of Veto and Adam's GEESHA experience.

The Power of Veto competition was held today and Matt and Natalie won it. Since nominations haven't even been shown yet on TV the competition might not even air until next Tuesday (see how those of us with the live feeds know so much more?). As of right now Matt and Natalie do not plan on using the Power of veto - they want Ryan and Allison to go and feel they have the votes to make it happen (I'm still not sure).

Just now Adam was talking about his experience with "geisha" houses in Florida, now I have always heard it pronounced "Gay-Sha" - but Adam pronounces it "Gee-Sha" much to the annoyance of Sharon. Adam went in to great detail about all the services he has had performed on him in these places and for those that are fans of XM 202 - what he described went right in light with Jim Norton is always talking about when he describes his adventures in massage parlors.

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xx2000xx said...

Here is the video of Adam:

However I disagree with your Jimmy Norton statement. Our Li'l Jimmy wouldn't partake in anything like that.