Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A quickie before bed.

Here is some of what I know after watching the first hour of the live feeds.

The house tonight is 180 degrees from where it was last year at this point in the game.

Sharon and Jacob? GONE (see it Wednesday night)
Ryan and Jen - outted as a couple.
Alex and Amanda - the current HoH couple.
Nominations? Tomorrow.
Alliances? Lots - too many to try to explain right now.

Live Feeds? Rocking! Here is a screen cap of the 4 feeds as seen using the bbviewer program (you have to have a Live Feeds subscription to use it).

Here To Get The Live Feeds Free For Two Weeks!
Watch Big Brother 8 24/7 on SuperPass


Anonymous said...

This couples twist has changed all the dynamics of the game, at least early on. Curious to see Wednesday's show to explain some of what is going on now.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice the similarity with Jedi Jani and AMANDA????hmmmm??? come on....the G string, the nose, the manerizms etc....
A sister perhaps??? her JJ with a dye job????
CBS did say JJ was going to have "something" to do with BB9....