Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Boys Are Bored...And Sheila's Suffering For It

Big Brother is not the only entity pulling tricks on the House Guests. The boys couldn't be more bored, so they're playing pranks on Sheila. James dumped a cup of flour on her while she was sunbathing (see video below), and Adam and James just exchanged her mattress with the one where Natalie took care of Matt.

She's not aware of the mattress caper yet, as she's too busy complaining to Sharon about James' "immaturity". "He's gawwwt to go. Gib me a break." Oh yeah, and she's continuing to promise how she's going to win the next HOH, and how close she's been in the past. Um, that's not true, Shewitch. You're usually firmly planted in last place.


Anonymous said...

Maybe I am showing my age, but I think that the "pranks" being played on Sheila are not only childish, but the flour dumping borders on assault. I couldn't believe that Dick got away with the tea on Jen's head, and I actually liked him. Now, Josh with the water and James with the pickles and then flour???? You couldn't get away with that in the outside world, nor should you be forced to put up with it inside the BB house.

Tony said...

i hope theis "bonding" of the boys really draw ryan, james and adam together. i mean they have seen that nataLIE can not be trusted with a plan. as much as i hate sheila, i think nat needs to be the next one to go.

Anonymous said...

haha i think its completly HILARIOUS what their doing. just a little harmless fun, shelia can take it. [=

get over it, their bored.

Anonymous said...

instead of bitching and whining she should be retaliating! why not stoop to their level, not like there's anything else to do in the house.

Anonymous said...

I must be showing my age also because, while I enjoy a good prank, anything that violates the body or personal space is offensive. Even when James had a big boner in that green leotard and was rubbing up against everyone bordered on violation. Yes they are bored, yes everyone seems to want to play pranks but when you single out one person over and over I'm sure it becomes tiresome. I personally would have flipped out over the tampon issue and put an end to such stupid pranks. Why don't they hide the rodents and watch Sharon go nuts, or take her crack blanket..or give Joshuah a thimble for a jock strap since he is at a serious disatvantage in the south of the border dept. Mess with Ryan's slop..see if everyone can take it..not just one person. And I don't care much for Shelia but enough is enough I would think.

ale said...

This is BB, people. Anything short of physical assault is game, so quit yer whining and enjoy this. I'd rather be sitting here laughing at what they're doing, than listening to the girls talk about how much the boys have cooties.

Tony said...

i so agree ale!

JayJ79 said...

"You couldn't get away with that in the outside world, nor should you be forced to put up with it inside the BB house"

you couldn't get away with lying your arse off and backstabbing to everyone in the real world either (well, maybe if you're a politician or lawyer. but not in the honest working world). Yet that seems to be the key element of "big brother".

And no, dumping flour on someone is NOT assault.

ale said...

They go after Sheila because her reactions are priceless. "OH MY GOD!" Come on, that's priceless! It is all in good fun, despite them hating her, but pick on the people that you get the biggest reaction from. Let's not get into Pranking 101 here.

Anonymous said...

So in other words, your opinions count and those to the contrary don't..we should lighten up. Well, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. People have not cried "assault" but have stated their perception of what goes beyond "fun and games" and is only tolerable. I notice that it is males who think it is all hilarious and good fun to keep "punking" someone and if a female would rather not be subjected to this shit, we are not good sports. Thank you for the insight into Pranks 101

ale said...

"So in other words, your opinions count and those to the contrary don't..."

Uhmmm...I recall saying that everything is game in this house apart from physical harm, and implying that Sheila is the target for her reaction, because that's what pranks are about. Where exactly did I say that my opinion counts over others'? I didn't. So I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Lil said...

Well I think my opinion counts more because it's mine! SO HA!

If she wasn't such an uptight yappy cunt who drives everyone nuts then maybe she wouldn't be the main target.

On the other hand, could be they were all *nudged* in DR to target her. Hell, the HGs weren't the ones turning off the water during her shower now were they.

College age = pranks. Most especially with tampons. Come on now.

And BC, I'm not male, and I think it's hilarious what they were doing.

Anonymous said...

In the overall scheme of things I guess I've been told...kudos all around to all the bright lights.

Unknown said...

that's so lame. He'd be toast if that were me. I'd be paying back in triplicate.