Saturday, March 29, 2008

Could The Unholy Alliance Still Be On After All?

Natalie is now informing the boys what Sheila and Sharon are saying about them. Josh just cornered her in the bathroom, and all Natalie claims to care about is that the vote is not tied so she doesn't become the bad guy. She tells him Sheila is pushing hard for him to go so it will be boys versus girls. Josh offers to give up two HOH's to her, but she tells him the best plan is for him to get it and get rid of Sheila.

My favorite part is when Josh asks if she should go off on Sheila. Natalie's response is to not do that because "she doesn't want to listen to Sheila bitch 24/7". She also thought the flour incident was funny. "I got some on me. I'm not complaining." I may be starting to like Natalie, after all.

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Anonymous said...

okay, I am almost embarrased to post this.

But what the hell is Natalie doing?

I cannot figure out which way she is going here?

Is it just me? Did I just not get enough sleep last night?

Which damn way is she going? The ladies club, or the original way?

Dammit, she is outplaying me? I should bury my head.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't know which way she is going. She just has diarrhea of the mouth. She cannot keep it shut. I just can't wait for everyone to figure it out. It should be fun...

ale said...

Seriously, I'm not sure if she's just a very cunning liar, or completely clueless herself. Knowing her, she probably doesn't know what she's doing. But, she's doing a good job of keeping everyone else (including all of us) out of the loop.

Anonymous said...

I'm clueless as to why people go off on Sheila for running her mouth and flip-flopping, yet they seem blind to the fact that Natalie has ALWAYS done this. You cannot tell that bitch ANYTHING.

They all seemed to have this very same problem with Matt. He was the worst schemer, backstabber, what-have-you, but he came out looking innocent.

What is that about?

Anonymous said...

She's clueless, but things just kind of fall into her lap. And then she claims she had it all planned from the beginning.

I don't know why anyone believes a word she says.

Tony said...

it's easy to figure out what nataLIE is gonna. she will do exactly what the last person she talks to tells her