Friday, March 21, 2008

Five Days Until Scott's Last Post?

Just guessing.... ;)


Scott said...

You're going to make me cry.

And what am I going to do with

Anonymous said...

Nat MIGHT talk Adam into nominated Josh, who could get the eviction instead of Chelsia.

It's bad that I'm actually rooting for Gnat to succeed in this regard...

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is a good idea, Natalie is being stupid. Perhaps she really is worried about Chels being with Matt in sequester. But seriously, with Chels gone, James is rattled to a certain extent. Stick to the plan!

Dearest Ryan,
Please make sure Adam doesn't listen to the idiot. Please, please pleaaaase!

ps. tell her to also stop talking about winning comps, she really won herself ONE PoV, while Chels has been HoH and won a PoV.

Anonymous said...

nah, James might be sad if Chelsia goes, but I don't think it will rattle him. He'd just get closer with Josh.

Personally, I can't stand Nat/Ryan/Adam (and I can't stand Sheila), just as much as some of y'all can't stand James/Josh/Chelsia.

And all I know is that if Chelsia goes this week, I'm done with the show (not just the season, but with the show, as she's the only reason I started watching in the first place. haha)

Ashley said...

if adam puts up joshuah, that would be absolutely stupid. get chelsia out.

Anonymous said...

It was a Natalie suggestion, of course it's stupid!

I'm glad Adam's talking to Josh about this, he's doing really well for a guy who could have probably been evicted the week Ryan was HoH.

It's pretty obvious that the only way to get James out is to back door him. period. Whoever guns for James needs to know this.

Also, honestly..Chelsia is not the greatest HG in BB history, so I don't even get what people are talking about.

Scott said...

Well, Chelsia is a better player than the following people left in the house:


She's done just as well as Ryan and Adam. Only her man has outperformed her so far.

Ashley said...

Joshuah is a great liar and a smooth talker. He's impressed me the past few days. I hate him, but fuck he can get the right people to like him.

Anonymous said...

Joshy is awesome! 3 and a half major blowups against women in the house later, and he's still here. That's impressive, to say the least.