Thursday, March 6, 2008

Food Competition and Nominations Today

Hgs were told to get up around 8:30am and then the feeds went to the new trivia at about 9:45am.

So they must be having an early food competition. My guess is eight will compete (everyone but Ryan) in two teams of four.

If the HGs get to pick their teams look for Matt, Adam, James and Chelsia to be on one team against Joshua, Sharon, Shelia and Natalie.

Later on Ryan will have to nominate two of the HGs - Shelia seems to be a sure bet to be nominated - the other person will most likely be Joshua - but could also be Sharon or Natalie. Ryan hasn't said exactly who he wants to put up yet and now that they are partner free he may not confide in anyone.


Anonymous said...

Food comp is going on now. Feeds are alternating between trivia and the comp. They have to slide down a slide into a pool of some kind of liquid that is full of letters. They have to spell types of foods and drinks with the letters and then write the word down on a chalkboard. I'm guessing whoever gets a certain number of words first wins.

Anonymous said...

who does ryan go after, the people who went after him, or the people who went out of his girlfriend?

Anonymous said...

Ryan is going to play these nominations safe so as to not put a target on his back next week. I suspect it will be Shelia for sure and mostly likely Sharon.