Thursday, March 13, 2008

From Matty to Fatty

Anyone else notice how ripped Matt was before the game started and how chubby he's getting now? He'll never win anything alone this way.

2:30 p.m. EST Adam thinks he's going up, Matt said no way, and when Ryan was called into the DR, they both agreed Ryan was definitely being nominated. Matt still thinks there's a possibility of a backdoor on his end..will James keep his word?


Anonymous said...

i will laugh if matt gets backdoored this week. i remember james was the one who told matt and natlie they were safe before and then he put them up.

Anonymous said...

I have a question since there is no chance that any of the evicted HG are coming back now, do they get to go home or back to sequestra?

Anonymous said...

what makes you think they wont come back? and im guessing they will prolly stay in sequester till the end of the show but i could be wrong.

Scott said...

I think they get to go home now. They won't bring back another person, and none of these people will be in the jury.

IndyMike said...

Yeah - they are probably going home now. 9 left in the house - 7 for the jury and two finalists.

Matt has been loving the protein shakes - some of the other HGs made a comment last week about how he was getting a gut.

Anonymous said...

When James is involved, there is always a chance for "backdooring".

Just sayin. :)

Anonymous said...

Scott will want to smack me for saying this but, I think Chelsia is putting on a bit of weight too. I think there is a lot of bordem living in the house and the guests are eating just for something to do.

Scott said...

In previous seasons, a good portion of every day has been spent working out. Granted, it was summer and the weather was consistently better than it has been this season. But this group is definitely lazier, and spend more of their time bickering and conspiring than exercising.

Mike is right about the protein shakes. Matt has been drinking them like water - one right away in the morning, another in the afternoon, and the last one right before bed (which is the one probably hurting him the most).