Welcome one and all to yet another site about the wonderful wacky world of the US version of Big Brother.
We will be posting our thoughts on Big Brother 9 and any 'hot' news as it happens as we watch the live feeds and CBS show. Please feel free to join in and add your comments and thoughts. Don't be shy, but don't be thin skinned either, being a fan of Big Brother can be pretty stressful at time.
I remember watching that segment on the local news. It was fun. And the infamous "Dennis" is in that clip too. haha.
Chelsia used to work at Mulligans (the bar where that segment was filmed). They have decent food. I even stopped in one Wed. night, thinking that maybe they had a weekly BB viewing party for the live shows, but they didn't even have it on any of their TVs (until I asked them to change one of them). But I'm rambling
Why have you raised a pig for a daughter ? Aren't you ashamed ?? I would disown that bratt in an instant if she were my daughter and behaved that way on National T.V ! You should be ashamed of yourself; what kind of Mother are you !! Mothers get all the blame for the way their bratts behave----it shows Celsia was brought up to disrespect everyone . Weren't you home raising her ??
Oh, geez. She wasn't that awful. She was vulgar, yes. But she had more respect for herself than a lot of those girls in the house, stayed consistent throughout the game, etc etc. I'm not a Chels fan, but seriously..that's harsh. Living with 13 people you can't stand brings out a lot of ugliness.
I remember watching that segment on the local news. It was fun. And the infamous "Dennis" is in that clip too. haha.
Chelsia used to work at Mulligans (the bar where that segment was filmed). They have decent food.
I even stopped in one Wed. night, thinking that maybe they had a weekly BB viewing party for the live shows, but they didn't even have it on any of their TVs (until I asked them to change one of them). But I'm rambling
Why have you raised a pig for a daughter ? Aren't you ashamed ?? I would disown that bratt in an instant if she were my daughter and behaved that way on National T.V ! You should be ashamed of yourself; what kind of Mother are you !! Mothers get all the blame for the way their bratts behave----it shows Celsia was brought up to disrespect everyone . Weren't you home raising her ??
Oh, geez. She wasn't that awful. She was vulgar, yes. But she had more respect for herself than a lot of those girls in the house, stayed consistent throughout the game, etc etc. I'm not a Chels fan, but seriously..that's harsh. Living with 13 people you can't stand brings out a lot of ugliness.
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