Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Enough About the Money!!!

I just turned on the feeds, and Sheila is just starting shit the night before an eviction ceremony.

We all know Chelsia will more than likely be evicted. Why is Sheila telling people that Sharon might leave?

Sheila: if there is a tie we will know
Nat: there are 5 votes, there cannot be a tie
Sheila: that is my point, there is a traitor in our group


She was also bitching MORE about Ryan winning the $10,000 and being greedy and trying to win a $21,000 trip. BEING GREEDY? HE'S IN A GAME TO WIN AS MUCH AS HE CAN. And ya know what? He deserved the 10k and deserved to win the trip since he can add to 21 better than the rest of you!

Oh my god.

Sheila: I am a single mom, you are so greedy if you do not want to see me win this game.

It's gonna be a long night, I can feel it.


Anonymous said...

Like, DUH, if Ryan had won the $10,000, and then Sheila had the win to pick, betcha betcha SHE would have take the $10 grand from Ryan, but of course in SheShe's eyes, THAT would have been ok. No greed there, right SheShe? She's wasted. I hope to hell she gets her hands on a computer after leaving the house....and she can see all the unflattering stuff about her. I hope they ALL see it.