Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A note to the cameraman

I was watching cam 3, and had minimized cam 1. I pulled cam 1 up to see what was going on and I see this picture.

I thought OMG are Chelsia and James finally having sex?

I've been thinking she might give it up, since James might be leaving.

I unmuted cam 1, and listened closely.

No. I think Matt was taking a dump.

Next time, cameraman, please just put the hamster on.

Oh, and I'm sure you're wondering. Matt did wash his hands.

Everything has pretty much calmed down from earlier. Ryan was joking with the girls, and Chelsia was reading. It could pick up at any moment though.


Scott said...

OMG, I thought the exact same thing!

But I don't think things will heat up again. James has shot his wad as far as trying to save himself. He did the nice, friendly method, he did the finger-pointing, he tried logic, and he tried challenging Matt. Every time he came close to getting the votes, they regouped.

Scott said...

Ugh, now Natalie is bragging about how she's playing with her brain. Hahahahaha

IndyMike said...

Yeah - Natalie talking game with Sharon pretty much seals it.

Ah well - James gone won't change much - they still have to all turn on each other tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

That might be the post that made me laugh the most this season. Good to know he washed his hands.

IndyMike said...

Some people are VERY obsessed with HG hygiene ya know. Thank god there are no cameras in my bathroom.

Tony said...

this just might be me, but i swear this years camera work on the feeds could be the worst yet?

Callie said...

So, I've been reading this blog for about three or so weeks, and it has only JUST now occurred to me to join in the discussion.
Anywho, I really do hope James stays... Mainly because I don't know how much more of Sharon, her blankie thing, and her ridiculously boring conversations I can take.