Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Will The Alarm Go Off Tonight?

A quickie before I head off to bed, Josh is convinced the alarm is going to go off tonight. He thinks it will go off before the eviction otherwise why have the announcement before it? The remote has been removed from the HoH room so they can't watch the TV. A couple of the couples have been called into the Diary Room together which makes Josh think it is about to 'go down.'

The more I listen to him rant the more I think it is nothing. They won't do it when Showtime is on and I can't imagine them waiting for 90 more minutes with a live show tomorrow.


IndyMike said...

looks like nothing went on overnight - but I don't think Joshua has slept a wnk. He is still up and pacing around the house at 4:15 am

Anonymous said...

Just a theory but maybe it will happen during the live show, ahen the evicted couple will get their surprise. Otherwise, why show it last night if it's not going to happen for another week.

Lil said...

That's what they do. If they're going to wake them in the middle of the night, there won't be warning. Now they'll be good and tired, cranky, etc.

Sydney said...

I heard it will go off after Showtime, sometime between midnight and 4 AM... that all the evicted folks are in sequester close to the lot and will all be coming back in some way, shape or form...The feeds would go off for a little bit while the house is in lockdown and Allison Grodner will tell the HG via the living room TV what is going to happen. I guess it's something that's been done before but with some big difference.

Those coming back -- Amanda for sure.
Read some kind of insider tip (who knows what that means) that one person would be put in each room -- one in storage, one in yard) though I don't know why. For what it's worth...

Any of you heard anything like this?

IndyMike said...

Haven't heard any of it but it would not surprise me.

Some HGs 'came back' during All Stars (seven) as 'ghosts' but that was about it.

The inside info may be correct in part - I know I won't be up when Showtime ends (3am my time).

Lil said...

I did find it very strange when Sharon came back, that they had been in sequester. I've been waiting for the real reason why ever since. Maybe this will be it.

Scott said...

But the voice-over at the end of last night's CBS show said that the answer will be revealed on the live show tonight.