Thursday, April 3, 2008

Adam - "I fucked up."

After spending the last two hours defending his move, Adam now believes he made a mistake. Natalie has jokingly pretended she wants to kill him, Sheila alternates between yelling and telling him she gets it, and Ryan is still angry.

Now Sharon is sitting in the hot tub, and Adam just asked if he screwed up. She babbles for awhile without really answering the question, and Adam finally decides he made the wrong move.

I don't think he did, but I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow with the veto. I'm just happy somebody finally made a dramatic move. This should be good television on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Adam you silly bean, you allowed that jack ass to f-you over !!!Don't worry you can still get him back doored,one of you are just going to have to really try hard to win POV. Next week put that fat ass Ryan up.He is a back stabber who is using you. YOU HAVE TO GET THAT JACKASS JAMES OUT THIS WEEK. Laern your lesson and don't trust his crocodile tears!!!Adam don't worry about it - you can pull out in time.

Anonymous said...

Screw you.......james deserves all

Anonymous said...

James is effed up, but he got Adam to work with him so.....James needs to lose the tight pants!!!! lol

ale said...

I really don't think it makes a difference. James has the same possibility of going home now as he would have if he'd been nominated. I don't think Adam fucked up at all, unless James wins and uses the veto to save Sharon.

The only thing now is that he's pissed off everyone else and it shakes up his alliance with them.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you did not screw up in any way! You just ensured that you have alliances in the house no matter what happens.

These are the ONLY possibilities, and all of them work out in your favor!

1) Whoever wins POV doesn't change a thing. Ryan & Natalie vote to evict Sharon and James votes to evict Sheila. Sharon goes and the Adam/Ryan/Natalie/Sheila alliance stays strong and in power according to the numbers

2) James wins POV and takes down Sharon. Then Adam has to put up either Ryan or Natalie. Whoever the replacement is is the one to be evicted because of Sharon and James' votes. Sure, Sheila and Ryan/Natalie are not happy, but then Adam has James and Sharon on his side!

3) Anyone but James wins POV and uses it. If that happens, put up James. It doesn't matter if it is Sharon or Sheila who is taken down. Worst case scenario would be James gets 1 vote (from Sharon only if she is the one taken down). More likely, Sheila would be taken down though!

Adam - dont you realize that this is a genius move and you win no matter what happens!!!


Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention - if Adam backdoors James in scenario #3, he claims to Ryan/Natalie/Sheila that this was his plan all along to give James a false sense of security! Bam! Problem solved!

Personally, I'd actually like to see James win POV and take Sharon down. I think that would make for some entertaining tv!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't know why Ryan and Nat are so pissed. They now have an opportunity to get James out by backdooring him, and neither one of them is up on the block.

How, exactly, is that "throwing them under the bus"? (btw, I wish this phrase would just die, already)

In the immortal words of the evil Doctor, "I didn't stab you in the back; I stabbed you in the front."

Raven said...

Honestly, all this is going to do is makes James work for PoV, because I'm pretty sure that if he doesn't win it, his ass is on the block and gone. Yeah, it may seem that Adam fucked up, but in reality, this is the only way to get James out, because he performs well under pressure.

We'll see what happens tomorrow I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Jan, I agree with all those scenarios. It would appear that Adam has all his bases covered. But lets not forget the fact that this is one of the worst group of players ever. You know that no matter what happens, Sheila is always going to look at this nomination as some kind of personal attack. And Ryan and Natalie, not ever wanting to cross Sheila, will go along with whatever Sheera says about it.
And the first chance James has to get Adam out of the house, if it benefits him, he will.
But, hopefully everything will fall into place for Adam.
This is shaping up to be an entertaining week and a bit!

Mo said...

Wow Baller! It's not a fuck up if you're playing the game for yourself and not for everyone else.

ale said...

Adam is just backtracking right now to minimize the backlash from this move. I don't think he's stupid by any means, despite his incoherence. Am I the only person who didn't understand half of what he said during the drama in the HoH? But anyway, I think he has taken those scenarios into consideration, and is apologizing for the sake of getting back in with Team Christ (ick).

JayJ79 said...

I would bet that quite often Christ sits up there (or wherever) and goes "whooooooa now people, leave me out of this. I don't want to have anything to do with crazy kooks like you folks....."

Anonymous said...

i THINK aDAM DID THE RIGHT THING, HE NEEDS TO BACKDOOR jAMES AND THIS IS THE ONLY WAY . I just think the rest will have to step up and win Pov take either sharon or shelia off and put James up and vote him out. Go Adam get rid of James once and for all, no matter what BB wants James needs to go.

Anonymous said...

its not a back door because James will be playing in the POV competition.
Getting back doored is not getting nominated and not being chosing to play POV. Then getting put on the block with no chance to play POV

Anonymous said...

I would bet anyone that BB has the game rigged 4 James 2 win...James w/ his gay porn/vulgar mouth/sex on live TV w/ Chelsiaif this is what america calls entertainment...SHAME ON US!!!!!...his abuse towards Natty w/ the pickle juice/his verbal abuse towards Sheila = RATINGS......BB would sell it's 1st born 4 ratings...we all know it's been down this season up against american idol....This years BB9 is rigged for James. Why you wanna know? A CBS Lawyer is a sponsor of James on his bicycling tour. That has been confirmed by the media.

James is a complete JERK that has made fun of handicapped kids with his "Ride the Little Bus" comments and walking as if something was wrong with him and calling Sheila, and Nats family retards. His BUTT Buddy got sent packing and crying and now CBS will protect James. The FCC has already been looking at BB after the last 2 years shows where HGS admitted they had help or was manipualted by the Production.

my synopsis:

1.) americas vote didn't COUNT..if it had...they wold have told the houseguests the decision was 4 alex 2 return...but if the houseguests so chose, they could vote james back in....they weren't given the full picture.

2.) no one in BB history has won HOH and 3 POV's in a row..(2morrow will make it another 100.00 bucks the veto competition will be 'tailored' 4 James.

3.) I saw a video clip early wednesday morning where the BB production personal was doing a run thru 4 the HOH competition...they said...JAMES or SHARON...then flames.

4.) Natty had 2 sit out...Julie asked if anyone in the house had been counting...BINGO...James stays up many nite, going thru the house counting chit...he has watched and listened 2 Nattys 'number' of items!!!!

5.) When Julie said there was a 3 way tie between Sharon/adam/James...Sharon threw the competition...she didn't wants james's blood on her hands...(up until then, Sharon was my favorite 2 win). it's blantently clear she is still working 4 him...I thought after the Josh incident, she would see how cut throat James is.

6.) When Adam/James/Natty/Ryan were in the HOH arguing...Ryan got mad and left....Natty was called 2 the DR...James did his BOOOOO HOOOOOING..then Adam was called 2 DR..outside lockdown...Adam kept saying he needed 2 talk 2 his peeps...DR wouldn't let him out b4 the nominations...YES, Adam did make the ultimate decision not 2 put up James, but BB got in his head and poor Adam got we all know by the comments made afterwards..BB kept saying do not discuss your DR sessions....if I were in the house, I would walk out if James wins this POV just like Natalie said...others should follow suit....seee how BB explains that 2 the veiwing audience..... I don't care 4 any of the players this season, so this tirade isn't all about my dislike 4 James.