Monday, April 21, 2008

Feeds Still On Trivia after 90 minutes.

If the show began at 6pm BB time as they seemed to think it would, it should have ended 25 minutes ago and right now Ryan and two other HGs are involved in Part I of the final HoH competition.

I am still holding out a tiny bit of hope that we will see the competiton on the feeds at any moment - but it is not looking very good.

I may have to resort to watching the Replay Feeds - right now it looks like Neil may be leaving - he has been in the DR for a long time I guess and Scott told me that the word was this is about the time in the feeds where he left the house.... Wanna see the feeds from 2 months ago? If you have the Real Superpass you can watch them by clicking below:

Go Back In Time And Watch The Replay
Cam 1Cam 2
Cam 3Cam 4
Quad Cam


Anonymous said...

someone on jokers said that the feeds will come back on after the comp is over... fingers crossed... i mean did we all really pay money to watch reruns... i dont think so... they r also saying to call cbs to complain... but really what will that do...

Scott said...

So at 4 this morning the feeds will be back? lol

Anonymous said...


ale said...

If that is the case, it's better than the 48 hour block we were reading about. The sooner we find out who went home/who won HoH, the better. I think I've come to terms with having to wait until tomorrow night.

TeeDub said...

i think i have came to the conclusion that we will have to wait to 2morow.. which sucks... cause why pay money to watch the same stuff from earlier

IndyMike said...

I think they will be off until Wednesday night after the second show.