Monday, April 21, 2008

Mad As Hell And Not Going To Take It?

Ok , no sense in holding off, if the feeds were going to return for the endurance competition they already would have so here is what I got for ya.

CBS is to blame for this decision, not - real has no choice, they simply feed us what CBS gives them. So here is a link to CBS feedback and a phone number to call to complain.

Will it change anything? Doubtful - BUT - they did this during BB6 and we complained like hell and they DIDN'T to it again until now so it might keep them from pulling this during BB10.

We are the REAL fans of this show, we are the ones that spread the word about it and get others interested. I am sure MANY of you reading this were turned on to BB and the live feeds by this blog or one of your friends.

So let CBS know that treating the internet fans like crap is not appreciated and and and... aw hell - just tie up the lines and let them know you are royally ticked off!!


CBS Customer Line (a real person will answer): 323-575-2345


Anonymous said...

Why would they show us the endurance comp now? I just had this discussion with my mom. They usually show the HOH endurance comp after they have started it off on CBS, to hype it up. Obviously they put a LOT of effort into this comp and they don't want to spoil it on the feeds. Once the comp is over i'm sure we will find out who wins and all will be right in the world again.

IndyMike said...

Did you watch BB6 when they shut off the feeds for 36 hours? I hope you are right - but I don't think so.

IndyMike said...

YAY - you were right. Thank goodness.