Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's Hard To Report On Nothing

I apologize for not posting much of anything these last couple of days, but absolutely nothing of interest has gone down. Whenever I tune it, it seems like I hear nothing but the same Sheila/Natalie conversations that I've heard for weeks. Showtime has little more than Josh and Sharon sleeping, and last night they were so hard up for entertainment they provided them with a deck of cards and water colors.

Really, it's already at the point that generally occurs during the last few days of the show, when there's only two people left biding their time for the finale. Ryan and Adam do absolutely nothing all day and night besides wander around from room to room too afraid to stand up to Sheila and Natalie. Sharon listens to Josh and James and reports what she hears to Sheila, and vice versa. Except for Sharon, none of those I already mentioned will even chat with James and Joshuah, so they now spend all of their time sleeping.

It's really a shame that everybody that seemed to have a personality has already been evicted. I don't just mean my girl Chelsia, either. (Hehehe.) Alex, Matt, Parker, and even psycho Allison would have at the very least been entertaining to watch. These seven are just dullards. At the same time, though, you have to give them credit for acknowledging that these people were all threats to win the whole thing, and acted accordingly. (Now if we could only get Ryan and Adam to realize that keeping Sheila is just prolonging their personal (and our viewing) nightmare.)

Of course, as I'm typing that things actually do heat up, as Joshuah challenged Sheila for her "bullshit". Reminiscent of her battle with James last week, she at first denied each of Josh's charges, then backtracked when confronted with the fact that everybody has said she was "campaigning". "They come to me, Joshuah." Oh, that makes it ok. When she finally realizes she can't win the argument, she cries out that he's "threatening" her and runs to the diary room.


Anonymous said...

That was brilliant! Josh goes off, but for the FIRST time Shelia got called out in front of Natalie and Natalie had to hear it for what it was! She had to hear that Shelia says she is going to flip the house...that she's and actress....all that Josh said Nat will have to admit she's heard herself.....You GO JOSH!!!! MUAH!!!

Anonymous said...

(this is probably what Natalie heard and saw)

Chelsia is responsible for James going off and it was James that forced Sheila to say what she said.

Josh said that he was going to rip the door off of the sauna and bash it over Sheilas head, and that is why Sheila ran to the DR.

Sheila will have to stay in the HOH room tonight to protect herself from Josh. Chelsia probably told Josh to smash the door over her head and James was in total agreement....


Okay, I am done.

Perhaps we could set up a PayPal account for Josh to cover his stipend so he really could bash this woman.

Sidenote: Thanks to the admins of this site for a job well done!!

Scott said...

I wonder how many times we're going to hear "are you frickin' keeding me?" tonight?

Anonymous said...

I love Josh. I'm going to be sad when he leaves. I'm glad Sheila got put in her place. She is horrible. He didn't really go off on her like he could and should of. That was tame. She always has to run off to the diary room. If you talk shit Sheila you better learn to take it. She is the pathetic one.

ale said...

Watching the show right now, I notice how Sheila puts on this fake look when she knows she's in a situation where she's going to be aired (the veto ceremony). It's the same mask she puts on during the live show, and it's hilaaaaarious.

Lil said...

I said this before...feeds and BBAD boring as shit? BLAME BB PRODUCERS. What can you expect when you have everyone but 2 on slop...and a result of which being no alcohol.

If all I was eating was slop, I'd spend as much time as possible sleeping too.

Anonymous said...

Sheila is such a tattletale. I love how she runs to the diary room every time anyone does something to her she doesn't like. Because it has to be against the rules. HER SON DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!