Wednesday, April 9, 2008

James or Matty: Who Will Natalie Talk About Most?

She's been going on all night long about how James didn't let her win the other endurance contest. I'm sorry, but for all of his faults, James was very sympathetic to Natalie during their negotiating. And he truly did attempt to get the producers to give her a pic or two.

She's also already starting the broken record on how the "Christian" in her "let" Sheila win. This is going to be unbearable.


Anonymous said...

Natalie is the most self-centered, vain, self-focused "Christian" to ever disgrace reality tv.

BB isn't about who "deserves" to win, and letting someone win HOH because they haven't won it yet. If you want something in a game like this, you EARN IT.

How was it greedy for James to hang onto the disco ball longer than Natalie in a week where he'd already been evicted and knew he would be right back out the door if he came down?

She's basically saying he should've given her that HOH despite the fact that if he had, she would've put him up and he would've been gone.

Tony said...

i really hope that james tells matt EVERYTHING that nataLIE has been saying.

Anonymous said...

If Natalie summoned her inner christian and "let" sheila win, why did she wait so long to do it?

She wanted down, plain and simple and knew it would be to her advantage to make sheila feel like she OWES her something.

I hope beyond hope that Natalie goes home this week.

Anonymous said...

omg dude... i watched the BBAD on show & she was saying james was all like "screw you i am not dropping for you...blablahblah" which is a fucking lie!!!
i think shes nuts. really... she lost whatever little bit of brain she may have had before entering this house.
she babbles about god and gods plan... and random digits... shes fucking lost it! srsly.
its like watching a train wreck... i cant NOT watch her wreck!

Anonymous said...

Because Of Natalie and this season BB and I am no longer going to watch BB. I can't stand this bible babble and all of these religious fanatics they let on the show. I can't stand it! I respect people who have a strong belief system but I dont want it jammed down my throat. I am cancelled my 24 hour feed and I am not watching anymore. If I hear that BB stops all religious talk I amy return watching until then.... BABYE!

Sydney said...

You said it. UNBEARABLE. Why does no one call Natalie out on that sh*t??