Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Adam is not an idiot

Natalie is telling Adam "you're fine, you're fine."

Adam is not stupid. He knows Sheila has nothing on Ryan and Natalie. He knows a deal was made and it is him on the block. He also knows if Sharon wins the POV, he is the one that will be sent home. Of course, this could all change, but it is how it stands now. He was backstabbed by the two people he trusted the most.

Ryan is giving his word that if he wins POV, Adam is off the block.

I think Sharon was telling Natalie to drop because she either believes Sheila will put up Natalie versus one of the boys, or put up both boys to ensure one of them go home to keep the girls' alliance in tact.

I am very disappointed in Natalie tonight. If she is evicted this week, she will truly deserve it.


Scott said...

Despite the rhetoric we're already hearing, she wanted to come down just as much as Sheila. Just like the disco ball competition, where at the beginning she was all about staying up there all night, but when fatigue set in she was ready to deal.

Ashley said...

i think she could have gone much longer. ryan too. natalie is too trusting of the people left in the house, and it will be her downfall.

Anonymous said...

I still am going by my theory Sharon is throwing comps to stay under the radar. I think it will work this week beceause of the doubt James has put into the heads of the TC alliance and they still will not see Sharon as a threat.

Ashley said...

oh, sharon is TOTALLY trying to stay under the radar. there are 5 people left, and she hasn't won anything since HOH with Joshuah.

ale said...

Agreed, Scott. That's why her BS about being giving is so annoying- she was tired!

The glitch in Nat/Ryan's plan is Sheila's loyalty to Adam. No matter how much she tells them she's angry about being nominated, she knew she wasn't going home. I honestly believe that Adam/Ryan are a solid team, and that if Nat were up against Sharon, Natalie would go home 2-0. By playing all sides, Natalie lost all of her allies.

Ashley said...

you can't play all sides this late. i don't see adam going home this week. he and ryan are a team until the end, and i don't think ryan will send him home.

Ashley said...

oh, and of course she was tired. who wouldn't be tired spending three hours in a box? natalie could have lasted longer than sheila. i don't know why anyone is doubting that. if natalie does get sent home this week, it is a result of her choosing to be nice over $500k. there is no need to choose being nice over $500k. nat had everything to lose from not winning HOH. she may have just fucked herself.

Christian said...

I hope to GOD that Natalie finally leaves this week, if only so that her constant stream of screeching bullshit will cease, and the house will have some peace and quiet. Of course, Sheila may just more than make up for it.

Ugh...either way, either Sheila or Natalie is in the FINAL FOUR. With this, I have to call Worst Season Ever. Yes, even worse than Will/Boogie. It's THAT BAD.

Scott said...

I'm sorry you pro-Natalie people, but I'm back to absolutely hating her. James is dunn...blah christ...blah blah blah...the christian in me gave it to you...blah blah blah. She's a broken, self-congratulatory record.

I find it amazing, though, that after two days of heart-to-hearts with James about Natalie's lies, Sheila's back to believing every word out of her mouth.

IndyMike said...

Natalie is over confident in her gameplay. She said it to Adam a bit ago. By letting Sheila win the HoH she gets to compete in the next one.

I think Sharon is gone unless she wins the POV. But I personally would love to see Natalie gone because I am sick and tired of the 'nice people' stuff.

ale said...

I don't think Shebot believes Natalie at all, and she really did take what James said to heart. I'm a Shebot fan this week, hell has officially frozen over.

Mo said...

These people are a bunch of idiots.

I'm calling bullshit on how Sharon "injured" her back and I really do think she threw the competition to stay under the radar again. That shit might have worked this week since Natalie is the target, but her ass is next. I can see Sheila being here another week if we happen to get a double eviction this coming week.

Tony said...

if sheila want to see the finals she needs to get rid of either nataLIE or Ryan this week

Lil said...

I'm not sure I can watch much this week. As if there wasn's enough Sheila before, it's going to be constant now. Blechhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Sheila knows exactly what she's doing. She knows Nat is a liar but she isn't going to confront her on it, so she just goes along with whatever is being said. That way if Natatlie does win the veto, she'll never know that she was in danger of going.