Saturday, April 5, 2008

OMG Drama!

Just when you think nothing is going to happen, the shit hits the fan. Natalie made a flippant remark that if she lost to Sheila, she'd deserve to be sent home. James told Sheila, and it has led to her telling Adam to take Sharon down instead of her...and James better be sent home unanimously!

Of course, now Adam and Natalie think Sheila's working with Sharon and James. What good would that do any of them? James has, though promised her that he's going to tell everybody what he thinks of them before he leaves.

Oh, and an update on Natalie's ignorance - she doesn't know a vasectomy is. Or a virtue, which she thinks is a "superhuman power". She also had never heard of the Taj Mahal, the crusades, or the holy grail.


Anonymous said...

Figures that she wouldn't know anything about virtue.

Scott said...

She just now said she'd neverheard of the seven wonders of the world - she thinks the space needle should be included.

And it gets better - she doesn't know what coincidence or synchronicity means. Hahahaha.

ale said...


The 7 wonders of the world: "they're not common knowledge to me."


Anonymous said...

Shes a plant. I think its just to hard to believe that someone that has lived the life she says she has led to know so little. Its just impossible. Wait and see.

Tony said...

i'm astonished at the level of stupidity one person can have. if god loved her so much why didnt he giver her the gift of intelligence

Anonymous said...

Also when she made the statement that she didn't know that the movie Raiders Of The Los Ark was a true story.

Yep, the intelligence is flowing tonight.

Even though he is not my favorite player, Adam is being pretty dang funny.

Anonymous said...

Nat is too ingenuous to be a plant. She's ignorant but not unintelligent and seems like a sweet kid. Wouldn't bother me a bit if she won the half mil.

ale said...

Ugh, it would bother me a lot. This is a game, this is not about who is the nicest. Don't let her brainwash you! How do you deserve to win this with an 8th grade level of intelligence? She can't spell, her blog was a shit fuck to read (I read them all, and I want those 5 minutes that it took me to decifer what she was saying back)..did anyone read that shit?! Ugh. She talks like an idiot, she is obviously very slow for a 28 year old with some "college" education, has shotty judgment and no common sense...I can't even go on. If she wins this game, BB will have its all-time worst winner ever.

James is now stirring shit around and letting Ryan know about her flip flopping ways. Good, her lies need to come out right now and eff her in this game. I can't have her getting any further.

Btw, what happened to Ryan? I missed how he got hurt.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what this house would look like now if there was an America's Player? I wish that there was a way for Sharon to go. She is a nice person, but I am thinking about my entertainment. Seriously, it is going to be a snooze fest....

Scott said...

I wish Adam always acted like he did last night. He's actually quite funny, although I do get tired of Sheila getting pissed off at every little dig he throws at her. Get a sense of humor!