Saturday, April 5, 2008

Double Eviction Wednesday? Season Ends April 22nd?

I have absolutely no inside info but I have speculated on my audio podcasts as to the possibility of a double eviction show on Wednesday.

Someone said to me that Julie would have mentioned it if there was one so I went looking to see what I wrote last year around this time. Here is a quote from this entry the day before the double eviction show for season 8:

Some people ponder a double eviction night tomorrow and others keep ‘poo pooing’ it.
So it wasn't hinted at by the production staff last year either (I am re-checking the actual shows to see - since that comment may have been about the HGs talking - not Julie). The show also ended 12 days after that eviction show. If they follow the was things went last season - they the show will end 14 days from Tuesday.

UPDATE: I have reviewed the tape (ok the dvr)! I still have season 8 saved on my DVR and I went back to the 8/30 show and Julie did tease that the next eviction would be a double. So maybe this Wednesday will be a normal eviction.


Anonymous said...

It probably ends April 22nd simply because May Sweeps start on the 24th..BB did what it had to do as the set-up man, now it's time to bring in the closer....

And also, Idol Gives Back is's gonna crush the show anyway, so why not reward the fans of BB with a double eviction?

IndyMike said...

Idol Gives Back was lame last year - worse than a regular show if you ask me.

Just sayin....

Unknown said...

Sheila said on the feeds that she had to commit to being available through the beginning of May to be on BB9. That could easily be the end of the time frame and they could scale it back from there.

Anonymous said...

CBS ran a contest where a trip to the finale was a prize- the rules said the date was "tenatively" April 29th, but it won't be now (CBS announced that Shark will start in BB's timeslot then).

I don't see it being the 27th because if the last eviction is the previous Wednesday, then you've got the final two in the house for four days by themselves...not good stuff for the feeds, let alone BBAD...

Scott said...

That commitment would also have to include the publicity time if by some miracle she were to win.

BTW, Idol stinks every week. It's pure evil. :)

IndyMike said...

They are always told to be available for a few weeks after the show ends due to press stuff.

btw - I am updating my post - Last year on the August 30th broadcast - Julie did tease the double eviction that took place a week later - of course that doesn't mean they HAVE to tease it this year.

Stepher said...

How many hours does your DVR hold if you don't mind my asking? Our holds maybe 100? Probably less. I'm always deleting stuff. =)

BTW, ours is just a regular DVR from Knology - our cable peeps. Thanks!

ale said...

I always thought that there was some sort of hint of a double eviction, but with the timing of the finale, it looks like there will have to be one. real soon. Unless they just end the show on Wed and give James the money. "This season was a sham, PSYCHE!!! Congratulations James, you are the winner of BB9!"


IndyMike said...

My dvrs.....

First off I am a computer geek so take that into consideration.

I own 3 TIVO's - two have lifetime subscriptions meaning I don't pay a monthly fee on them. I have 'hacked' all three and upgraded the hard drives so off the top of my head all I can tell you is each one has at least a 250gig hard drive in them - but one has about a 400gig.

And with Tivo - you can put them on your home network and download stuff to your computers as well (that is where season 7 is - on a computer).

Hope I answered your question! ;)

Scott said...

david, every season the final two sit around doing nothing for 3 - 4 days. I've never understood why they force them to endure that.

Stepher said...

Amazing TiVo ability. I had no idea! Thanks.