Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ryan And Adam Inform Natalie She Is Going

I haven't seen the replay yet but apparently Adam and Ryan carried through on their plan and told Natalie that she was going home.

They don't want to play 'games' and lie to her this week so they pretty much pointed out all of her inconsistencies as reasons she was going home.

Update: Now Ryan and Adam are back in the bathroom alone with Natalie and Natalie is keeping her composure all things considered - she says that she never lied to them - she only lied to the girls.

Natalie is saying a lot of things that have been attributed to her were said by Sharon.

I dunno - if these guys keep letting Natalie talk she will talk herself back into the house. But they will both have to vote to evict Sharon in that case.


ale said...

I missed the second half of it, but based on what I'm seeing now, this "confrontation" was a bust. Losers.

IndyMike said...

They are at it again right now.

Scott said...

Yep, this confrontation may end up saving Natalie.

ale said...

But she's just back to lying again, and no one is around to call her out.

Oh, great. She's crying. Ugh.

IndyMike said...

Yup - they are gonna feel shitty.

She will be COMPLETELY loya to them for the rest of the week now.

They will not have any more ammo.

And Sharon will still be talking to Sheila which will get them suspicious.

Scott said...

Staying outside is the biggest mistake Sharon and Sheila could possibly make.

ale said...

Sharon needs to get in there and get vicious! This is pissing me off.

Scott said...

It's her own fault if this gets flipped and Sharon goes home.

ale said...

Sharon and Sheila were quiet the whole time they were in there, WTF is that all about? What happened to being pissed off at her, and wanting to go off on her, Sheila?

Retards retards reeeeetards.

IndyMike said...


Gotta love it!!

3 days to go - it will flip and flop again - just wait.

Scott said...

Suddenly, doing my taxes seems to be a better option.

IndyMike said...

I JUST finished mine.

I tuned into the Sharon Sheila talk for a minute - they can hear a bit of the drama it seems - well - they hear loud voices - they think they are all arguing - they have no clue that she may be saving her ass and dooming Sharon.

ale said...

There IS still time for things to keep going back and forth, and for Hoops to come out. I'm just waiting for that.

Anonymous said...

Which one is Harry and which one is Lloyd?
I think Adam is Harry, just because he has a tiny bit more common sense.

At least the rest of the week may be unpredictable!