Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Two Dumbest Players in BB History?

Sheila's plan was all set to go forward as planned until this stupid meeting that just happened. Yet, instead of ensuring their side of the story is heard, they sat quiet through the whole meeting.

Now while Natalie has the boy's attention, they're sitting outside doing nothing but bitching about her.

Get in the house and don't let Natalie win!


ale said...

Meh, at least she'll be on TV with a piece of foil in her hair.

Scott said...

Lol ale.

Anonymous said...

I think this pretty much sums up perfectly how those two have played the entire time.
Actually no. I'm surprised Sheila hasn't been flapping her gums the whole time.

Scott said...

What happened to the promise Sharon and Sheila made to each other to never let Natalie be alone with the guys?

Anonymous said...

Damn it.

ale said...

All the angry folk are gone, what were we expecting? This is Team Christ here, it's like watching the Math Club fight.

Scott said...

I miss the atheists.

some guy said...

Come on why you people hate nattalie so much.
She is stupid but at least she didn't offend anyone in the house and is a nice person with everybody around her.
I bet no one of you would want someone like chelsia or james or joshuah around you living with you but most people would be ok with nattalie or matt or ryan or adam because they leave you in peace.
If you people are concerned about adam or ryan then ok nattalie is a big threat and should be going now but if you hate her for what she is
it's not good.

Anonymous said...

In response to Some Guy: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

End of argument.

Scott said...

Sorry Some Guy, Natalie's just as bad (if not worse) than any of those you mentioned.

Tony said...

for claiming to be such a good christian, she lies and fornicates a whole bunch. he she lies about fornicating. dont forget god forgave her over her multiple abortions. hypocrites rule