Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Who is going Wednesday?

I took today off.

Literally - I checked out - didn't check the sites until 5:30pm Big Brother time - and I hadn't really looked since maybe 10pm last night.

What the hell is going on?

Is Natalie really staying? Or are they just humoring her?

Right now Natalie is sleeping away and everyone else is eating dinner and I can't tell where the vote stands.

Vote on the poll on the left - it closes right before the live show.


ale said...

I also took the day off...thankfully.

lmb02 said...

Anyone know if it's a matter of the boys truly are the dim bulbs they appear to be, or are they perhaps getting 'coached' in the DR?

People can argue the people Nat kicked out will vote against her, but think about it... she seemed doomed this week and pulls a reversal? Instead of the boys getting credit for stupidity Nat gets credit for "great play". Odds are that personal dislike for Nat will lose to seeing the boys were too dumb to watch out for themselves.

Unless the boys move up to double digit IQs and return to the original plan, they've assured themselves nothing better than 2nd place, if that (and if they get voted out, will likely vote for Nat).

IndyMike said...

The show appears to be scheduled to end on the 27th - at this point it shouldn't matter who stays or goes to the producers.

Anonymous said...

James hates her, I thought that was pretty clear, and so does Chels and it's not one of those I was out played and got booted kind of hates, they find her annoying and naggings, talks No, if anything someone realized that going against Nat in the final two is a win in the bag.
alot and is way too fucking religous. Not only that but its obvious she doesnt know the first thing about religion.

I thought going against Shelia was also a win in the bag, but at this point I think she would pick up a few pitty votes and then they can realize what dumb asses they were for voting for her when she is going down as one of the most annoying craziest people in the games history, I know editing does wonders for the final product but she did attack Adam out of no where right from the start of the game, and for what reason of all things? Cause of the way he looks, turns out Adam is one of the better characters in the house and regular kind of guy... opps.

Ryan or Adam better win this game, been pulling for those two virtually the entire game.

Scott said...

Mike, you missed one bit of interesting info today. Ryan told Adam and Sharon that Allison used to pleasure herself almost every night, vaginally and anally. I wonder if that will be brought up at the finale. :)

ale said...

Is Adam really going to vote Sharon out, or is he setting Ryan up? I can't tell. He's said "my word is my word, dude" too much this week.

Anonymous said...

is it me or has natalie gotten a lot uglier since she walked into the house?

Anonymous said...

Scott do you have video proof of either allison doing this, or ryan saying it?

Scott said...

No video proof of the actual finger-work, but i can prob. track down Ryan talking about it.