Thursday, April 10, 2008


What would Jesus do?

Well for starters, he wouldn't be on Big Brother!

On the other hand, he was in his own little reality show wasn't he. He would NEVER drop in an endurance comp. As evidence he spent 40 days in the desert being tempted by Satan. Then to top it all off he won the entire game by hanging in there having been nailed, a spear in the side, with a groovy thorn hat. The 2 other contestants beside him gave up much quicker.

I also think with Jesus in the house, and the ability to turn water into wine, there'd be much more fun and interesting things going on at night and on BBAD instead of the borefest it has been.

Your thoughts? Your ideas? What do you think Jesus would do? (other than now send my ass to hell)


Tony said...

i heart Lil soooooo much :)

IndyMike said...

Well - you haven't posted much lately ..... but I think this makes up for it ;)


Anonymous said...

This post was great. Like most bible thumpers, she twist her beliefs to fit her current situation.

Lil, see you in hell. :)

Scott said...

Lil FTW!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think Sharon is toast this week.

Sheila noms Adam and Sharon. Unless Sharon wins POV, she is done. If Adam or Ryan win it,then Adam comes down, and Natalie goes up.

The only way Sheila can guarantee that her backdoor plan to get Natalie out, would be to put both boys up for nomination, keeping her sure vote from Sharon.

The boys control the votes, and have called a final 3 with Natalie, and they vote out Sharon.

Sheila cant do shit next week as outgoing HOH, and the 3 play for the HOH, AND control the votes

Sheila is toast next week.

The boys and Natalie go head to head in the final 3.

Once the final 3 plays out, it makes no difference, as Natalie is so hated in the sequester house, she won't get the votes, and this guarantees one of the boys the win.

If both boys get to the final 2, well its a coin toss.

Thank god the Stanley Cup playoffs are on, as this has become extremely predictable.

I hope BB10 is better than this.

Anonymous said...

Question: If Ryan wins POV and he claims that he will save Adam, can he then be put ont he block? Or does the fact that he has the POV keep him safe even after he uses it?

Lil said...

Anon - your comment has nothing to do with Jesus! You are soooo gonna burn.

Jesus FTW

Lil said...

POV Comp - Bible quotes, Name the book

Jesus would so kick ass. Natalie, there is more than the Gospel according to Mattie, go read it.

Jesus shaking his head,'s not all about John 3:16, no matter how much you see it on the NFL!

Anonymous said...

hey lil...

actually my post was right on. My last paragraph was

Thank god for the Stanley Cup playoffs....LOL!

Scott said...

That's a good question, anon, but I'm still wondering what Jesus would think of Josh's comment last night about Natalie's stripper outfit?

Christine Radice said...

That was hilarious.. especially about the wine to make things more interesting.

Anonymous said...

Probably wonder why he made the sacrifice he did so dunderheads such as these can compare it to throwing a HOH!
While I am spiritual I am not a Christian yet even I am so very offended at the way these people seem to think Jesus gives a flying flip about who stays in the house and who goes. I hope He has better things to maybe helping some family whose child is dying of cancer??? The importance they give to themselves and their situation in the house is astounding!
It is people such as Natalie that made me turn my back on the "church". It turns my stomach to watch her "preach" and talk about how God will judge all the others. What about sweet precious Natalie - stripper, two abortions, lying constantly, Matties "treat" and NO ONE is more judgemental than she. I understand some of the things were in her past and goodness knows we all have skeletons there but she has done enough in the house that goes against her precious Bible. She is a true nutcase and an enormous hypocrite!
What is up with these people? "Team Christ"???? What a nightmare!
And as for "throwing the HOH" UGH!! Please, if I were Sheila I would want nothing more than to get rid of Natalie. She completely tried to take away Sheila's win by acting like the win was hers but she just handed it over to Sheila in the golden Holy Grail of Christ Himself! Excuse me, I think I have to go throw up!

IndyMike said...

If Adam and Sharon are nominated - AND Natalie or Ryan win POV and use it - the OTHER person will have t go up in the saved person's place.

Next week the POV winner holds all the power - the HoH winner basically just earns immunity.

Anonymous said...

WWJD, after jumping out of that box he would start teaching his gospil of course. The ATF would see this been broadcast on national TV as a threat to national security and storm the BB compound. In some freak accident the BB compound is lit on fire and everone inside burns to death. God is not pleased we have killed his son again.

Callie said...

Quite possibly the best post ever.
I especially loved the bit about, "The 2 other contestants beside him gave up much quicker." I'm probably going to hell for laughing so hard at that, but according to Natalie, as she, of course, is the all-knowing and therefore the almighty judge *cough*, I probably would be going already.
After all, she is the chosen one, don't you know....

Anonymous said...

Thank you, IndyMike for answering the question about the POV and who would have to go up. LOVE YOU!

ale said...

At least Jesus would know what a virtue was.

Gawd. UGH.

Anonymous said...

I'm Done with BB. I am offended by "team christ" I am offended by all this bible talk. I don't think the houseguest should have ANY reading material at all!!! I thought it was over the top last year with Amber and especially Jemika but this season wtih Team Christ and all this Bible babble, I can't stand it and I am done watching BB. If I hear that releigion is off BB maybe I will start to watch it again. I am all for religion, I do not want to hear someone elses views or care to hear them recite the bible and misquote it, I might add. I may not know much about religion but I knbow it does NOT belong on this show and in this venue and I am done. No bible, no koran, no Torah no old testament should be allowed to be read while in the BB house. NOTHING!!! Lets watch them go stir crazy that's what I want to see. The end!

Ashley said...

I really can't wait for Natalie to see what people actually do think of her.

And if I am ever on bb, i promise to pray to Lil.


ale said...

Jesus would agree with Josh about the stripper outfit, because it's the truth. Thou shalt not bear false witness!

Anonymous said...

first of all, jesus would never play BB. not that he doesnt like BB, simply bc he has no time. jesus has a busy schedule. he has to feed starving children, help the blind see, comfort the mourning, etc.
i'm not saying jesus doesnt care, that would be way harsh. its just that if jesus made a "to do" list, an ex-stripping, possibly hooked on meth, nutcase's wish to win would be located somewhere under my wish for the lucky lottery numbers, and right above paris hilton's re-virginization.
lets get real, jesus would never be in this situation so he has no frame of refernce. jesus wouldn't play BB.
although, i am almost certain, he does TiVo it.

Anonymous said...

"ftw" ????????

Ashley said...

FTW = for the win.

it's internet speak.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see Natalie go and then get trashed by James in the sequester house...Oh wait God is talking to me now..peas howd....................Ok Natalie will in BB9, so it has been said....oh and I love Indymike homo!

Scott said...

Earl reference FTW!

Tony said...

if i make the show i am soooooo pray to lil' during an endurance comp!!!!!

Scott said...

I would never talk to either of you if you didn't throw a shout-out to me! Lil's not the only one here! :)

Tony said...

scott, i would so find a way to bring up your goat