Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Conversation That Drove Me to Bed Early Last Night

Natalie spent the evening studying the house, and announcing her findings to almost everybody (although Matt doesn't know this). Did you know that she believes the word "and" is part of the alphabet (you know - x, y, AND z)? Oof!

Natalie: 5 groups of 8...8 different figurines in the bathroom, 8 rocks the ducks are sitting on, 8 pictures in the sauna, 8 sayings, 8 faces above the couch. Also, 2067 books. It's all like insects, butterflies...they all go by rows - like one row is insects and butterflies, another row is Shakespeare, another row is novels, another row is fairy tales. You gotta go up there and look too - double check 'em with me, cause if I don't remember some, you gotta remember the others.
Matt: Alright.
Natalie: And then um..24 fishes..
Matt: Yeah, I knew that.
Natalie: 13 boats...
Matt: 13?
Natalie: Yeah, the boat we lay out on, the tanning boat.
Matt: Would that be counted as a boat?
Natalie: Yeah..I had originally counted 12, but then I remembered that one, so 13 boats. Also there's pairs of things: there's 2 fishing nets; 2 welcome signs; there's only 4 plates that I counted.
Matt: Ok.
Natalie: What else did I count? Oh yeah, then Allison came up to me today, and she's like "can you please vote to keep us? You know we'll help advance you in this game." So I told her yes, and that I was just telling Josh the opposite to keep him off my back.
Matt: Good job.
Natalie: Yeah, I'm good huh?
Matt: Did Chelsia say anything else to you today?
Natalie: Just trying to kiss up to me, complimenting my earrings....3 deer head, 9 logs in the thing, not 8... what else did I figure out?
Matt: These could be just tie breaker questions...
Natalie: Yeah, they could be, or they could be really important.

She really is Rain Woman.


Ashley said...


IndyMike said...

She also said there were 8 radios. But a bit ago Chelsia said to SHaron that Josh pointed out there were 9 radios and Natalie accused them of trying to mess with her because she knows there are less than 9 (seems like there are indeed 9 which means Natali's math stinks).

Sydney said...

Do you think there's anything to the little 4 colored thing in the hamster habitat that James seems to keep mentioning? I personally don't but others thing BB does nothing by accident. Opinions please!

michael said...
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Ashley said...

i think everyone is looking for answers, and the answer is....try not to get evicted.

natalie is telling adam everything she counted.

when decorating...decorators like even things.

michael said...

Don't put it on now or it'll be an early night.