Monday, March 17, 2008

Halfway Party

The feeds are on trivia - the HGs are getting a little party for the "halfway" mark of the show. By my count today is day 39 - so if they go another 40 days the show will end right at the end of April. Wouldn't you think the would want it to end in May for the sweeps?

They got pizza, beer and a big cake that had pictures of all 16 HGs on it. I assume the trivia is on because they will be playing music for them as well.


binnall said...
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binnall said...

Wouldn't you think the would want it to end in May for the sweeps?

Considering the ratings, I don't think CBS wants BB anywhere near the May sweeps period.

Scott said...

I predicted a while back that they would try to skip the sweeps month except for the finale.

Anonymous said...

Mike -- YOU CRACK ME UP! I love your podcasts. But it makes me laugh every time I listen because you say, "Okay, that's it. I'm outta here..." and then you talk for 5 more minutes!

But don't change. It's cute and I love the podcasts.