Saturday, April 5, 2008

James Warns Sharon To Not Trust Ryan

It's been a pretty uneventful day, outside of my earlier report regarding Natalie's ignorance and her obsession with Matt (which is still going on this very moment). James and Sheila actually spent some time quizzing each other on "favorites".

James and Sharon are currently in the hot tub, and she is informing him on how Natalie and Sheila call him the last "evil doer". His plan is to stir the pot in the jury house by going right to and telling him that Nat's been saying she's never blow him. Sharon informed him of her deal with Ryan, and James is telling her he thinks she's being set up to go next week.

One thing about the POV that has been brought up a few times is that BB allowed the others to help Ryan with his answers. If true, I guess it really was James versus the house.


ale said...

How is going to Matt and telling him that Nat is denying the BJs "stirring the pot"? Isn't it obvious that she would deny it?

Anonymous said...

She has kicked his ass in this game and he can't stand it. He keeps calling all of them idiots But they have out smarted his dumb ass. Him and Cheslia thinks their shit don't stink I can't stand either one of them.

JayJ79 said...

if they really did allow others to help Ryan, then it sounds like the producers are desperately trying to deny the accusations of favoritism by swinging things the other way.

Scott said...

I guess it was a "questions about the events in the house" event, and nobody stopped them from whispering answers to him.

ale said...

The question is, was James doing well on his own? Would he have won if there'd been no "helping" allowed?

Anonymous said...

James is right telling Sharon not to trust Ryan he is just covering his ass in case she wins HoH,if Nat or Sheila(lol) wins he will have no problem going against her

James was the dumbass who kept him over Matt.Matt sucked at comps and lied to everyone all the time and they didnt even believe him at that,but Ryan on the other hand has been getting into alliances with everybody in the house and they actually believe he will be true to them

you tell me who is the bigger threat